Create Salon Account 登記沙龍帳戶

All entrants will receive a flashcard (USB) catalogue. Print catalogue will charge additional payment of US$10 (for overseas entrants) and HK$75 (for China/Hong Kong/Macau). Entrants can only buy ONE Printed Catalogue.
所有參加者均會獲贈flashcard (USB) 目錄,有關費用已包括在參加費內。如參加者需要印刷品目錄需支付額外費用,海外參加者費用為US$10,中國/香港/澳門參加者之額外費用為HK$75。參加者只能購買一本印刷品目錄。

Payment will be charged on next enrollment or by email (for those enrolled participant). 參加費將在下次上載相片時邀交或經電郵以Paypal邀交。


^ Submission of Entries Signifies acceptance of the Rules & Conditions.